Other Community Spaces

When I was volunteering, the famous Auberge des Migrant’s pink caravan was staffed each evening. When there were higher numbers of migrants arriving at the camp, it was staffed most of the day and night, helping the new arrivals and advising them where to go and what to do. New arrivals would go there and receive a tent, blanket, sleeping bag and roll mat. You would often have people turn up just asking for socks or gloves. During the first day of the demolition of the south, the caravan was hit by tear gas and was burnt out.

The volunteer organisations managed to establish an infrastructure within the camp, including water points with sinks and portaloos – a sanitation man came round every day and emptied and cleaned all the loos in the camp – waste disposal teams and skips for rubbish.

Jungle Books was spared the demolition and they had a small library with books not only in English but also in many languages including Farsi, Pashto and Arabic.

The information centre, Hummingbird centre and Baloo’s youth centre were also spared during the demolition.